In a 1995 video presentation ‘lost’ in the archives and in his book, Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama revealed to his audience his basic motivations. They were there to see for any who looked and listened. But through a mix of willful neglect and voter apathy, the mainstream media and opponents to the Democratic Party machine never focused on this evidence. Few people noticed that Obama had all the ingredients to become a socialist nightmare in office.
Obama never revealed the identity of a mysterious mentor cited in his book 22 times only as ‘Frank’. In the audio version of his book, all references to ‘Frank’ were deleted.
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During his first campaign he actually said he was muslim & believed ! Everybody was in a frenzy to elect because of his color, Nobody was listening !
He would love the bubba treatment
Manchurian candidate Obama l knew that a long time ago
We looked. We pointed. Y’all screamed racists racists racists! Plugged ears and covered eyes.
A real President? Crack is whack. A real$#%&!@* Yep and that’s why your boxers are in a knot.
Some people knew,some people thought it was race related it wasn’t. There was always a weird feeling when he was giving a speech,like I’m lying to you and it was creepy.Michelle always came across as I’m going to show you what I can do.
Hang him for treason Th Lord will deal with him in the end. Hell fire is real