Obama and company are financial geniuses – right! Their pride and joy, Obamacare, has been one of the worst government ventures ever pushed on the American public and now we get to witness close to half of the Obamacare exchanges closing at year’s end.
With Co-ops closing, people will lose their coverage, the complete opposite promise the Dems made to the gullible public.
Read how bad it is on page two.
Can you say SCAM!!
This page REFUSED to post about Real Life!!!
Effin Train wreck…thanks libtards for raising my insurance rates 400 percents!!
it wasn’t going to work from the start
I just wish that the government would decide to stop punishing the American voters, the ones who BTW got them in their jobs, with the continued tax penalties, for not having Obamacare or ins. especially the senior citizens, the veterans, and the the chronically ill.
Too funny!!!!
Just like all smart people predicted !!
I am disabled. Paid my entire life into social security. No minor children. Hubby was paying ALMOST 500.00 a month and couldn’t afford to go to the doctor. Had to go back to VA. STILL waiting to receive proper care. Personally, I PAY for my medicare from my disability check AND I also pay for a supplemental insurance. I will NEVER meet my ridiculous deductible of about 10,000.00 if I remember correctly. NOW the doctor wants me to go to a Neurologist to see WHY I’m forgetting things. To ME, I already have FIBRO, depression, anxiety, SEVERAL spine issues, carpal tunnel, neuropathy, diabetes, arthritis, muscle spasms, COPD PTSD, OCD, DDD, things growing on my feet, low pulse rate in my legs a whole host of the alphabet. They want to stick needles in my spine JUST so they can add MS to my collection of diagnosis. This is the way to depopulation with the added help of all the GMO food we eat. Shortcut to having to pay us old folks our retirement, since they STOLE it already. Can ANYONE tell me why we are paying these elected IDIOTS to continue to kill us and give themselves another raise? ANYONE? Yeah, you could call me a little jaded on this subject.
That’s because it won’t work.