The math has never worked in Obamacare and America had to get it signed before it could be shown what the asinine politicians seemed to not get, that there was never enough money to make Obamacare solvent.
With roughly half of the Obamacare Co-ops closing, the very people who were so called championed by the Dems will be losing their healthcare coverage. The lies that it took to get men and women in Congress, (who did not learn math under Common Core), to believe that spending more money then one takes in will somehow create this masterpiece, fail-proof medical care act were indeed idiots.
The crisis was foreshadowed earlier this year when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees Obamacare, issued warning letters to 11 of the co-ops, placing them under special scrutiny and requiring that they produce a plan of “corrective action.” A report last July by the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services said that 21 of the 23 co-ops reviewed had incurred net losses between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 in 2014. Moreover, 19 of the 23 showed net financial losses because the claims they received exceeded premium revenue.
The writing was not just on the wall, but blaring from all corners of America, with most voters calling their representatives begging them to stop the bill, yet Congress ignored their constituents because they think they know best. They believed they are smarter and more in touch with the needs of the very people they claimed to serve, all they while they ignored obvious facts and pushed a bankrupt healthcare bill on the public.
Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.
Source: Yahoo Finance
Stuck ,your stuck !
Wow Rudy, did you use ever bit of your brain power to think of that.
Derision and profanity are last resorts of someone bereft of facts or a valid argument.