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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
Obama is also gutting our military and putting illegals in there because he knows that illegals will have no problem shooting at Americans on his orders!
The sergent of harm can arrest Obama and he is not
Just more stupid drivel from the Right. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
How far does he have to go before someone can stop him
Darryl Smith why don’t you just move to Afghanistan where they share your ideals. We’ll see how long you were last there.
Then maybe I S I S will make a video of him to. Just saying.
How dumb can he get. He needs to put were insane people go. OH wait he plans to never let a woman have a baby be that way so I guess we must get rid of him by impeachment
Almost everything the traitor does is illegal but congress and rather media back him and cover for him because he claims to be half black so jail the white half
I’m Republican, not am Obama fan, but I’m wondering what senate rules he’s broken. You would think they’d be spelled out if this post is to be taken seriously.
Obama did that so his Islam followers have an easier way to kill more of his enemies. Americans!