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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
can he invoke martial law???
Alan West? The same Alan West that was drummed out of the Army for torture? That Alan West? No wonder thinking Americans think this guy’s supporters are the stupidest, easily led by the nose, fearful, cry babies in the nation. You folks are a national embarrassment.
pete says:
“if all the dumb asses on the left watched fox news they would be completely informed and know the truth . wise up you bunch of ignorant fools , isis and ebola will be what takes our great country down , with assistance from un-educated fools on the left .”
Hey Pete, you do know that by watching Fox, you actually become less informed (if that’s even possible) that if your were outside standing in a rainstorm, right? You, along with your post, just proved my point. Enjoy your paranoia, simpleton.
And Pete, to forgot to mention BENGAHZI!!!!!
Foreigners have always been able to join the US military.
joey says:
“This president and his comrades long ago forfeited the right to govern because they have frequently violated the trust of the American people–and the law. If polling data is accurate, the clear majority of people have no confidence in this regime, knowing that the longer it remains in power, the more damage will be done–some of it irreparable.
People talk endlessly about impeachment. So long as the Senate is Democrat-controlled, and the media is in Obama’s pocket, it is not going to happen–and besides, time is running out. Others suggest charges of treason, but there is no political courage in Washington to file charges and then prosecute.
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Consequently, we can either hope for the best in the next two election cycles, during which time the world economy may collapse and Jihad might pound us into a deeper hole; or we can take direct action.
It is time for The People to show this government that we are in charge; that in America, government acts according to our consent, not against our will. I suggest We the People call a General Strike, one involving the following measures and demands:
Tax revolt: refuse to pay income taxes until such time as the following steps are taken to correct course, A-Z
Repeal ObamaCare
Secure the border
Enforce current immigration laws to the fullest; reform the system without granting amnesty
Immediately deport all individuals who have a criminal record of any kind
Cut federal spending 20% across the board immediately, and then prioritize spending according to national polls–which will most likely demand inclusion of healthcare for Veterans. Top priorities for most Americans today include jobs, the economy, corrupt politicians, education, government spending, debt, and taxes.
Flat tax: 20% for the upper income brackets (more than $300,000 gross per year), 15% for the middle class (annual gross income between $70,000 and $300,000), 8% for the lower class ($30,000 to $70,000), no tax for those below $30,000 per year. Abolish the rest of the income tax code. Abolish the death tax, estate tax, capital gains tax, and set corporate tax rates at 15% federal, 8% state, 2% local.
Provide tax breaks to new businesses, especially if they hire veterans.
Return defense spending to what it was in 2007 as a percentage of the overall federal budget
Put our missiles back in Poland and reaffirm our total commitment to Israel
Affirm our Christian Founding by introducing resolutions to each state legislature and prohibit any and all harassment of Christians, canceling all efforts to violate conscience with regard to moral issues–particularly relating to same sex marriage and abortion. No further prosecutions of Christians for refusing to participate in activities associated with objectionable behaviors.
Give the military full authority to come up with a strategy to destroy ISIS, and turn them loose to execute that strategy. Obviously, the War on Terror is too much for some civilian President alone. The military and intelligence communities should come up with an overall strategy to present to the Congress and the President for approval, installation, and action.
Roll back every EPA regulation promulgated by that agency during the last six years
Cancel Common Core and dismantle the Dept. of Education, returning education to localities.
Push all authority with regard to abortion and same sex marriage down to the state level, insisting the judiciary stop trying to legislate and allowing the will of the people to prevail as expressed in elections on propositions placed on the ballot by the people. Only states can decide on the matter of public funding of abortion.
Term limits in Congress: six terms maximum for Representatives, two terms maximum for Senators.
Pass a law that requires an audit of the Federal Reserve System.
Pass a law that requires all government officials to abide by any law they pass.
Abolish the IRS. Reform DOJ. Suspend all pending gun control legislation.
Abolish the Energy Department.
Reform regulations allowing for radical energy development, allowing the market to dictate where and how development occurs rather than arbitrarily giving preference to ‘green’ energy.
Abolish affirmative action and all hate crimes legislation.
Affirm the original intent of the Constitution: insist the federal government get back in line with the original definitions of federal authority and abide the limitations placed on the central government as defined. Return to the original method of selection Senators— Article I, section 3: “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.”
Repair our relationships with our allies; remind enemies that America is back.
Reject Sharia as a matter of federal law and prohibit its influence in our legal system.
Remove all Jihadists from government jobs and deport all of them.
Each state will have the right to enact and enforce voter identification rules and regulations.
If the tax revolt does not achieve each of these goals within one year, the following will occur to ‘encourage’ our leaders and representatives to earn our consent:
Boycott the public schools
Refuse to sign up for, or fund, ObamaCare: refuse to pay any penalties or taxes associated
Refuse to show up for jury duty
Stop quarterly business tax payments
Stop work one day per week
Urge garbage workers in D.C. to stop collecting
Various acts of civil disobedience, non-violent of course
If The People act in solidarity, asserting their rights and their will, legally and non-violently applying consistent pressure to send the clear message we expect results,”
Do something about it !!!!!!!!!
I served in the USMC for thirteen years, there were many in my unit that were on the path to citizenship program. It is nothing new at all.
Just arrest the puke ,and let our country heal !