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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
Asking someone that was court marshaled about integrity is a little odd. Don’t you think?
Hey Mike. West was court marshaled. Google it. It’s public record. I’ll help. G O O G L E. Type with one finger. SLOWLY.
OMG, I just realized Obama is the MothMan! Oh wait no I heard he was the Anti- Christ. Or maybe he’s the king of the Gargoyoles!
~~~ We need courage today..and we need Jesus…not in that order!
now this is crazy black man he hates black people a real a-hole
I doubt the leaders of the military will allow it
This was actually suggested by a member of the military. Obama is. considering it. And Allen West was court marshaled. Can’t put too much faith in anything he says.
Makes no Sense!!!
I always thought the military was to protect the Constitution OF THE USA !! And to protect the people of USA!!!!! I don’t think they would give in to the PRESIDENT , if he was doing wrong against the people of the US!!!
These are the people Obama will us as military against US civilians.