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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
Not that simple Gregtazz, much easer said than done.
just put him in prison were he belongs and everything he signed into law will dissapear
How can the nation allow this?
OBOLA has been a criminal from day one a lying POS that keeps getting away with it.
why is he not Impeached for many- many to many Felony…why???
obama is a criminal of course he is going to assist his fellow criminals and then he will have people in the military that willing shoot and kill at Americans citizens at American citizens at obamas command! Treasonous criminal obama
He has Reid/Pelosi/Jarret and all the Sen. Dem’s along with a couple Supreme Ct. Justices that has his back, but not ours obviously..get out and vote in Nov. and flip senate and get rid of Reid..
if he lets them join the military, send THEM to S Africa!!! not our American troops! 🙁
More lawless tyranny, from our so-called commander in chief, Barack Obama.
Obama is destroying our military and our ability to defend ourselves against our foreign enemies.