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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
That Jack Ass NEEDS TO BE IMPEACHED NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Big mouth West, do something, oh you cant, because this program was implemented by Bush, but since you do nothing but bash the president on a daily basis you, like Fox News, twist stories, quit spreading paranoia and fear.
Cause and Effect. Doesn’t have to be obedient to Nation!
I guess Obama could rationalize that Americans don’t want to fight our wars in Syria, so we will employ illegals to do it! NOT!
Why do all the Idiots blame Bush for everything. If he was so wrong, why is the rules he set in motion still be used. This President is the worst thing that has ever happen to this Country. All that continue to not see the truth are the one that is helping him Destroy us all.
Obama doesn’t care he is building his own army the illegals. GOD HELP US ALL! apparently our congress won’t
illegal and treason god help us no end to it vote republican lets have a landslide the fraud will be there again
I agree
Ive had friends that ive deployed with get their citizenship through The military bet most people that coment have never even served
Does anyone remember the movie RED DAWN?