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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
I have grandsons and nephews in the military and I would tell them to refuse to go. We will have 4 thousand military, if not more, because of Ebola. If all of them die, Obama will just send more. It is an easy was to get rid of a high number of trained military so Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood, Isis can then take over our country easily.
If you want respect you have to give respect. President or not he does not respect America or it’s people.
Arrest Barack Obama for Treason.. Shred Obama’s Executive Orders. Elections are coming. . No Democrats.
Sharia Law is the most evil thing ever created by man. Barack Obama, his Hamas, and his Muslim Spring should not have any support inside the United States.
And yet once again no one is going to do anything. Does he have the Congress and Senate both black mailed I mean enough is enough already
Why is it such a shocker that he keeps getting away with all this stuff?? It is a shocker that Obama hasn’t been fire, arrested, treason charges, inciting riots where he should never be involved!!
Why is he NOT in Jail?????
And nothing is being done
In the history of this country, there has never been a situation quite like this, so the Congress does not have any experience to draw from. Having said that, the longer he remains in office, the more damage he will do. A Military coup is in order immediately. He is the perfect Joker in the Batman Series.. When you analyze what he has done and look at all the damage that he has done almost single handily, you have to sit back and wonder, how in the hell did the leadership of this nation let it happen? Right now there is a lot of finger pointing going on as to where the problem is and how is the United States going to arise and survive a very critical time in our history. The clock is ticking and we are running out of time. I did not read the book, “The Enemy At Our Gates”, but the title of the book perfectly describes our current situation. Food for thought! To show the world what good guys (also stupid) we are, the ISIS has established a recruiting center in Minneapolis. The Government and all Law Enforcement Agencies are aware of 30 Plus Terrorists Training Camps throughout the United States and are still operating as I type this. I have mentioned this before and it bears mentioning again for those who are hard of hearing. Lets go back to the 1940’s. Does anyone reading this honestly believe that President FDR and the American people would have allowed and condoned, the Germans and the Japanese to have Terrorists Training Camps here in this country during WW 11? You know the answer to that question. What has happened from 1941 to 2014 in the past 71 years? That question will engender many, many answers and conjectures. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury to dwell on the past. We need Patriots in the Congress to rise up and take control of this country and do whatever is necessary to remove the President from the White House. Recall All Flag Level Officers, Generals/Admirals that were fired by the President. Immediately re-deploy all combat ready personnel that were assigned to assist with Ebola and assign/deploy personnel from the CDC and the PHO to deal with outbreaks of diseases. Immediately shut down all subversive training camps in this country. Immediately identify, locate and deport all known ISIS and Muslim Terrorists. Release and return all Mexican Criminal Prisoners in US Jails back to Mexico. Purge the Border Patrol and Homeland Defense of all Muslim employees. Finish the construction of the fence line on the Southern Border. Hire un-employed Veterans to augment the Border Patrol staffing. Remove all Muslims from key position appointments that the President authorized. Do you as Americans want your country back? Then you are going to have to take it back! Our country as we knew it, has been given away by a Muslim who was not even qualified to be our President. He was elected and re-elected by those who did/do not want to work and contribute to the growth of the country. That type of mentality was/is exactly what the President wanted/needed to accomplish the destruction of this country. The Russian, Nikita Khruschef was right when he predicted, “The United States Will Destroy Itself From Within”. Have you noticed what is going on around you? God Help The United States Semper Fi