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Allen West: Obama Issued Yet Another Illegal Executive Order
Federal law title 18 USC 922 states that it is a felony to arm an illegal immigrant with a firearm.
So Obama has become a felon, again.
And, he brings these illegals into the military as 90,000 servicemen are being fired.
He is firing American servicemen and replacing them with illegal immigrants.
Allen West believes that Obama is trying to give the 11 million illegals here in the US citizenship, and one of the ways he is doing that is to hire them into the military.
I don’t get…every day so many scream get rid of the president, get rid of corrupt politicians, etc. yet there has never once been any action. Did our own Declaration of Independence not say that when such intolerable acts are committed upon the citizens of this nation then it is the duty and obligation of those citizens to rise up and forcefully replace such governments? There are so many Americans that carry weapons and not just guns. So where is our militia? Every able body is apart of the militia and should take action as a whole! Numbers alone our militia far outnumber our standing military and I am sure there are many within the military who will not stand in the way but rather assist our militia. So, I ask, when do We The People stop talking and start acting?
the one that a felon are the Republicans tha blocked everthing deabeat losses
We should riot n protest n burn down the city
Impeach him and put him in jail.
How much longe will this president disobey our laws and run rampant over everything decent and right in our constitution?
Nothing to like here. Just more of how our government can screw around with us and get away with it
Andy says:
“NOBAMA acts and thinks that he is above the law in EVERYTHING he says or does. He is a cronic liar, he has done, will continue to do more harm to our country than any one person alive! He NEEDS to be stopped, most of Congress won’t do it, they don’t have the balls to do anything, except talk a problem to death, and take vacations.”
kill them and obama too
As long as the DOJ allows it !!
Does it ever end? I am so sick of this unqualified person ruining our country. Can something/someone put a stop to all this? Good grief, we’ve had enough!