The day after FBI Director James Comey announced that his department would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch announced that the State Department would comply with the recommendation and not indict the former secretary of state.
When news broke that Clinton would escape charges, conservatives around the country attacked the decision, claiming that Clinton had received preferential treatment from her friends at the FBI and State Department.
Now that some time has passed, however, many on the right are coming to the same conclusion. Maybe the refusal to indict Hillary isn’t so bad after all. In fact, it may be a detriment to the entire Democrat party.
The announcement plays into the right’s narrative that government is corrupted by elites who run with authorities that are above the law. It also allows Hillary Clinton to coast through the nomination process with few roadblocks.
Hillary may have won her party’s vote, but she’s far from their best candidate. She emerged with unfavorable ratings higher than any Democrat that’s ever come before her. Even far-left Socialist Bernie Sanders polls better against Donald Trump than Mrs. Clinton.
Even principled conservative Allen B. West seems to agree, Hillary Clinton’s escape might be good for the Republican party. See how he makes that argument on the next page:
What does the color of his skin have to do with this….educate your simple minded assistance before you speak
What about John Ashe?
The newest victim being the hacker Guccifer…
They should make a movie off of all of those but most movies are only two hours long so they have to kill somebody off about one a minute !!!
I do not read the articles because it makes my iopd mess up when I click on them!, but this time it did not mess up yeah I see Allen west is not as bad now!.
well the secret service will have to change the title of POTUS to you guessed it folks…COTUS “Cimminal of the United States” and Hillaries the only one running in that race…. so now there are 2 elections going on make sure You vote for POTUS thats where Mr Trump is running…………………………….by God America is a 10, so its now or never if we dont vote for the Hero we will get the…. Zero …plus Bill….! , and she will bring in the…” SS” …that would be ” Soros Surrogets” under the guise of UN peace keeping forces boots on the ground on american soil……they maybe going for all the marbles.! ready for anything and please VOTE TRUMP its the only way to stem off whats in the air..!… so now we are MULUH OBOZOS chicken$#%&!@*nation….we are poised the enter the realm of the 4th world utterly pitiful that our congress allowed this to come to fruition…..the dems are desperate Dbags at this point they will light it on fire if they cant keep it..just watch…be ready stay vigilant. Trump 2016..time to get mean!
That’s funny I can’t thank him at all !!!
Can it be any clearer?
Federal Law: Title 18. Section 2071
Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Such as, say, President of the United States.
“If you do this or that bad thing, you’ve essentially disqualified yourself as being the leader of the free world,” said Mukasey, referring to the illegal server and the illegal handling of classified materials.
Mukasey specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:
“(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Shouldn’t voters know that? The media won’t tell them. So it’s up to us. Can you help hold Hillary accountable?
FBI Director James Comey’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unsecured email server does not mark the first time that he has investigated the presidential candidate for alleged wrongdoing.
Time reports that 20 years ago, Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee, looking into the conduct of then President Bill Clinton and the first lady. The inquiry focused on whether Bill had used his political position as governor of Arkansas in the 1980s to push through an illegal loan to benefit the couple’s business partner in the Whitewater [real estate] Development Corporation.
Several people involved with the Whitewater corporation (including Clinton’s successor as governor) ultimately went to jail, but the Clintons never faced criminal prosecution. The issue of their involvement none-the-less lingered as Bill Clinton ran and was elected president.
Hillary Clinton Was “cleaned and sanitized” to run for president, making her one of the most corrupt politicians to run for office in recent memory. She has repeatedly broken laws and continues to act like she did nothing wrong. She used illegally an unsecured home server, insisted that she had no classified information on her email, yet over 2,000 of her emails have been labeled as “classified,” with at least 20 being too sensitive to be released to the public by the FBI, the very same agency who just “cleaned and sanitized” her to run for president.
—- The Conclusion —-
Most Americans live in their myths, and these myths are immune to facts. While others become angry when confronted with information inconsistent with their preconceptions equals maintenance of the status quo.
The Constitution law forbids judges or lawmakers from infringing or passing legislation “editing” any amendment outside a constitutional convention. That amendment process is laid out in Article V of the Constitution, which says that either supermajorities in both houses of Congress or a national convention can propose them and a larger supermajority of states must sign on in order to secure ratification.
The defense of the Constitution requires members of the Armed Forces to disobey illegal orders. And, in the case of alleged treasonous acts, members of the Armed Forces are constitutionally bound to arrest such offenders. (See The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. §§ 801–946).
In the final analysis we find the hard truth…..We The People, find you willingly violated the law and failed to do your duty; you are hereby charged with Dereliction of Duty and Treason…
-For direct violation of the Kellogg–Briand Pact (or General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy) and United Nations Treaty where all members are bound by its articles.
-For failure to Uphold and Defend the Constitution here at home and unconstitutionally expanding empire, protecting corporate and banker interests and exporting democracy.
Where were you? Oh, I forgot, you failed your oath of office by expanding the empire, illegal wars, protecting corporate, military and banker interests.
I pray to the Creator that you have the strength to hear and face the truth and rethink your time served in the dark.
That criminal lying$#%&!@*will never serve as POTUS!
Can you say bribe?!?