Former U.S. Congressman and retired LTC Allen West delivered an epic speech in which he tore Obama into shreds over his nuclear deal with Iran.
West delivered the incredible fiery speech to a crowd of around 10,000 at a “Stop Iran Deal Rally” event in New York City’s Times Square on Wednesday.
“I want President Obama to know one thing,” West said. “You may say that you have done something that no one else has done. You know why no one else has done it? Because it’s a damn stupid thing you just did.”
See Speech Following Page:
Vince, it’s called being another sheep for the Republican party.
Right back at you, Brad.
Best you got? ^^
I’m glad someone finally called it. I wish Allen was sitting at 1600
suddenly everyone forgot the enemy is already within our own borders
To much kool-aid .
All talk bs walks, do something about it colonel. Action instead of words, empty words. Stand up and lead something, like getting your troops back from the Iraqi s$#%&!@*.
Thank you @[22067606728:274:Allen West]. You have my respect.
Col. @[22067606728:274:Allen West] is the best. He sees right through the Obama admins actions.