As the mainstream media charge further down the rabbit hole of anonymous sources, have we quite reached the point of no return where we can’t believe anything they report?
Here’s what we’ve “learned” recently from unnamed sources: President Trump tried to get FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation of General Michael Flynn; Trump told Russian officials he had to get rid of Comey because the FBI head was a “nut job;” now Comey has backtracked on his earlier sworn testimony before Congress that no one tried to influence his investigation.
His obvious and very public flip-flop on what the president told him regarding the Flynn investigation doesn’t do much to argue the point that he is a “nut job”, or at least a very compromised individual. Why would he tell an unnamed source that he may have perjured himself before Congress?
Find out the latest head-spinning details on the next page.
So much to hide, so much to lose
I’m sorry did anyone expect something different. If they did they’re fools. Call me is going to lie under oath because he’s part of the Deep state. The ultrarich need to get rid of the president because he’s working for the American people and not them and they’re pissed
Fucking crook
I agree
He is arcade he will end up in prison
I agree with this very much and I’m with Trump
comey IS a liar, a coward, a criminal, and a traitor!
Democrats in power only know how to blame racism on everything, lie, cheat, steal, obstruct, spread hate/violence and get away with all types of crimes on their way to getting what they want. They are NOT above the law even though they think they are untouchable. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity.