As the mainstream media charge further down the rabbit hole of anonymous sources, have we quite reached the point of no return where we can’t believe anything they report?
Here’s what we’ve “learned” recently from unnamed sources: President Trump tried to get FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation of General Michael Flynn; Trump told Russian officials he had to get rid of Comey because the FBI head was a “nut job;” now Comey has backtracked on his earlier sworn testimony before Congress that no one tried to influence his investigation.
His obvious and very public flip-flop on what the president told him regarding the Flynn investigation doesn’t do much to argue the point that he is a “nut job”, or at least a very compromised individual. Why would he tell an unnamed source that he may have perjured himself before Congress?
Find out the latest head-spinning details on the next page.
I know! I know! Let’s have an INVESTIGATION! Then maybe you can learn something about the decision-making process in government.
Useless traitor to the FBI an the United states
I think the left is finding it hard to hide their evil anymore.
Lol I think nut job says it perfectly!
He is one of the17 reasons hillary didnt win election….he deserves pat on the back….now testify and put lynch in jail….
So he lied under oath again.
I no longer will read any word listen to his voice Comey your a liar. Your dead to me. You destroyed the Federal Bureau of Investigations reputation forever. But it’s just a MATTER of a hundred years for some.
comey is out there outside of FBI protection where the clinton cartel can help him commit suicide. His other option would be to be inside the FBI `s protection where the clinton cartel can get to him faster. OH what a tangled web he is in. Fitting I say..squirm somemore..the abc agency is a mockery now anyway
Killary s little buttkisser
He knows he’s going to wind up in a field dead. His “employer” isn’t happy with his performances.