In an interview hosted by former Alaskan Governor Jim Miller, Joe Simpson, a writer from the well known blog “American Thinker” stated this refugee crisis is being driven by ISIS and other extremists on the left in America.
It’s not an accident that the migration is to Europe which will overflow into the US. Simpson claims its text book- straight from a far left leaning socialistic/communistic model called the “Cloward-Piven” strategy.
More about the crisis and the far left strategy next page
I was talking to a friend of mine and mentioned this “Martial Law’ thing and if he thought the Military would turn against it’s citizens and he said “Way would they”. He is a retiring Major in the USAF. I think Obama will just leave and we’ll have to clean up the mess he leaves.
Is this man immortal?No one has d guts to touch him.We r all on d sideline just watching all d unthinkable things he is doing to America.Its long time overdue, time to wake up people!!!
So what’s happening with the Judge who sent orders to have Obama Impeached?
I agree LaVonne, except maybe his “wife Michael”……
I am Barack Obama’s classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were taught a plan back then to collapse the U.S. economy and destroy this country. It was called “Cloward-Piven” (named after a husband and wife professor team at Columbia). The Cloward-Piven plan involved using spending, entitlements, debt and crisis after crisis to overwhelm the system, distract and overwhelm the citizens, and cause the collapse of America. At that point the people would be on their knees begging for big government to save them from drowning. They’d willingly accept a socialist Nanny State without argument or debate under duress.
Say it is not coming to a muslim state, we need a PRO-AMERICAN in WH before it is too late.
Many people know the UN plan to take over the US but many are just talking and complaining but won’t get into the fight to stop it!
Traitor terrorist, good bye you fool your days are numbered.
You can tell bad spirits rule this guy.