Alan Keyes believed back in 2004, that Obama had tendencies of tyrannical behavior. He was convinced during that race that Obama was “a hardline socialist ideologue, in the ruthless, self-worshiping mold Hitler and Stalin had in common,” he wrote in the World Daily Net.
Given the benefit of time, we see that his supposition is indeed frighteningly factual and just as Hitler and Stalin had similar self-worshiping, ruthless personalities, with serial killers traits, Obama too has escalated in his power grab and narcissistic behavior.
Check out his fearless article on page 2.
Obama looks like a black Jenner
ALWAYS one jagoff defending the HNIC by bringing up Bush and Cheney. ALWAYS!
Alan Keys would have made a great president
The man is scum!!!!!!!!!
Real soon all th ed detainees at GITMO will have new meat to play with, OBOY, MICHELLE, HILLARY, ROSIE, WHOOPIE, HARRY REID NANCY P, AND good ole SPEAKER OG THE HOUSE PAUL RYAN , AND POSSIBLY SEN JOHN MCCAIN…..oooops secret is out….
Yes he is
A true muslim..
Revelation 20:8 KJV
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.