Alan Keyes believed back in 2004, that Obama had tendencies of tyrannical behavior. He was convinced during that race that Obama was “a hardline socialist ideologue, in the ruthless, self-worshiping mold Hitler and Stalin had in common,” he wrote in the World Daily Net.
Given the benefit of time, we see that his supposition is indeed frighteningly factual and just as Hitler and Stalin had similar self-worshiping, ruthless personalities, with serial killers traits, Obama too has escalated in his power grab and narcissistic behavior.
Check out his fearless article on page 2.
“The best way to take control of the people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed, until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed!” Adolf$#%&!@* Mein Kampf
Me too,,
Obama is a pathological liar and narcissist.
I think they mentioned donald trump since he a hilter
Listening to a KNOWN LIAR while ignoring critics pointing out the reasons of this EVIL TRAITOR? Video tape a PROVEN LIE! Request for SUPPORT proven to be denied! So survivors and families of killed Benghazi persons are all LIARS? For what purpose? Help Obama to get re-ELECTED! We cannot WAIT! Martial Law and FEMA indoctrination camps are ready! “13 HOURS” showed HERO’s and LOYALTY! Government Administration shows TRAITORS! Absolute INSULT to all AMERICANS, Hillary and Obama MUST be put behind bars to wait for their trials for MURDER, TREASON, and long list of corruption, and crimes. Support of anyone who aids and gives arms to the enemy is also GUILTY of TREASON! PENALTY OF TRAITORS MAY STILL BE DEATH! My oath of enlistment NEVER EXPIRES! The TRAITOR ‘S obvious agenda is to destroy the USA to obtain world$#%&!@* You can ignore and deny the facts, but you cannot change the truth! Your support of the treasonous actions against our country are despicable and make you the enemy! PERIOD!
Could Obama, be the ANTI-CHRIST?
Duh you just figured this out and you have two more in the making sanders and clinton, I knew this before he was president. Dumbasses.
Our politicians got so smart their stupid.