The latest attack on our Second Amendment comes from Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. In a recent interview on Newsmax TV, the man stated that our 2nd Amendment is ‘an absurd thing’ because now we must live in a gun-saturated nation that is in desperate need of reform.
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Dershowitz is a commie socialist who should have learned from his Jewish heritage and what the Natzies
shut us ah
and it was put there just for people like you ,!!! duch o witzts…
He is a big liberal/socialist. Of course, he will say this. Its part of the socialist plan. Take away the m$#%&!@*’s ability to fight back. Notice the media has been trying to brainwash the American public since obambam took office. All of the media types will not give up their guns because they are part of the socialist elite. Don’t listen to the socialist media.
Notice how ever congressmen dat is against gun rights has a Jewish last name
your absurd dirtball
Who the hell are you?
Then you come get mine fuktard