The latest attack on our Second Amendment comes from Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. In a recent interview on Newsmax TV, the man stated that our 2nd Amendment is ‘an absurd thing’ because now we must live in a gun-saturated nation that is in desperate need of reform.
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Leave are rights of CONS$#%&!@*UTION.ALONE.
And they call themselves professors, what a joke they are. They are professional brain washers of our youth. They shouldn’t be allowed to step foot on any American College campus.
Hey go home take your meds and stay there.
Alan Dershowitz is an absurd thing in his own right. DershowTWIT!
The men who put it in place seemed to build an empire on it. Since the governments been pushing it be banned our nation has fallen to pieces. Seems pretty important to me.
Absurd your self right on out of OUR country!!
Right on, Alan. There are people who claim to be proponents of the 2nd Amendment, but do not even understand what it means or why it was placed in the Bill of Rights. Believe me, the Founders did not mean it to protect persons who carry semi automatic and concealed weapons. Cite me a statement from the Founders whereby they wanted to preserve the right to bear and carry these weapons of m$#%&!@* destruction.
The Founders were not God fearing men and were actually the Liberal Thinkers of their generation. It is funny how Conservatives say they believe in a Liberal man such as Jesus, adore a Liberal President named Lincoln, and want to adhere to the Liberal Ideas expressed by our Founders. Name me some Conservatives who have had a big influence in this country.
And because you think that Mr. Dershowitz is the very reason it is in the Bill of Rights. To give us the final defense against those that think they have the right to determine what rights we as citizens should have.
My in laws survived Auschwitz barely and they said their entire lives that they wished they were armed then and if the government ever tried to take their weapons here they would use them to keep them if necessary.
And I am in total agreement with them.