The latest attack on our Second Amendment comes from Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. In a recent interview on Newsmax TV, the man stated that our 2nd Amendment is ‘an absurd thing’ because now we must live in a gun-saturated nation that is in desperate need of reform.
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the ones that need “reforming” are the criminals that get their hands on guns
I have a great idea for liberals… If you don’t want a gun you don’t get a gun.
the cons$#%&!@*ution was written for a reason not for these idiots to try and change it their not above the law to change it because they don’t like what it stands for
the only ones that need reforming are the criminals that get their hands on guns
Wait till ISIS is in his backyard, then see what he says.
Dershowitz is not smart enough to amend the Cons$#%&!@*ution .. He is a fool He is a Jew supporting Hillary and Obama ….How crazy is that !
it has been there for as long as this country has had a cons$#%&!@*ution, a shame that all these educated dumb$#%&!@*es weren’t there at the conception of same the 2nd amendment has served us well and will continue to serve us unless Obama finds another magical pen
Dershowitz is an absurd thing!!!!!!!!
He will have a fight on his hands from the citizens