The latest attack on our Second Amendment comes from Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. In a recent interview on Newsmax TV, the man stated that our 2nd Amendment is ‘an absurd thing’ because now we must live in a gun-saturated nation that is in desperate need of reform.
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him in detroit some ware and say that
What an ignorant and stupid thing for a Jew to be stating. I guess Dershowitz forgot what happened to 6.3 million unarmed Jews in the concentration camps of $#%&!@* Germany.
And hes a natzi
That short paragraph is what makes us free men.
The Cons$#%&!@*ution will always be needed by the American People,it was specifically wrote up toro text us from fools like this Liberal
That is a ignorant thing to say…even worse to even think that way is foolish…..
I though you had a brain – dershowitz
That’s true. But I always found they were more. Unless you knew was dirty