Justice Roy Moor and Justice Tom Parker from Alabama’s Supreme Court have written some very interesting dissents in a recent Republican panel vote (7-2) to uphold the dismissal of Alabama’s secretary of state to demand a valid birth certificate from President Obama and other presidential candidates.
In Moore’s dissent, he states that it is the duty of the secretary of state to determine the eligibility of presidential candidates by finding out if they are in fact U.S. citizens.
Parker went much further than Moore, stating that the plaintiffs presented substantial documentation to raise “serious questions” about the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate.
According to a report issued by the Associate Press, an Alabama Supreme Court judge stated that Barack Obama should have to prove that he was born in the United States, and that he was eligible to be on the state ballot in 2012.
The Republican panel voted 7 to 2, to uphold the dismissal of Alabama’s secretary of state to demand a valid birth certificate from President Obama and other presidential candidates. Justice Roy Moor and Justice Tom Parker dissented.
In Moore’s dissent, he claims that it is the duty of the secretary of state to determine the eligibility of the candidates by finding out if they are U.S. citizens.
“The complaint alleged that the Secretary of State failed to perform a constitutional duty to verify the eligibility of all presidential candidates appearing on the ballot in the 2012 general election,” Moore claimed. He further argued that although the election is over, the secretary’s duty to investigate the claims remains.
Parker went even further than Moore, claiming that the plaintiffs presented more than enough documentation to raise “serious questions” about the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. Still, two other justices, Mike Bolin and Tommy Brian, argued that the secretary doesn’t have the authority to investigate each candidate’s qualifications.
Everyone knows he is a fraud, except those entrusted to verify it.
There has been NO viable proof that Obama is an American Natural born citizen. George Soros has paid millions to hide Obama’s true identity, and the fools that believe our government would not do this, are the problem with our country, and the reason we are going down the tube!
don’t show me any more pictures of this POS.
World’s Biggest F**E.!!!!
Why can they know all of our business but we can’t know theirs. Everyone else had to show their birthcertificate and other documents!
this is sooo old. let’s just wait until his term is up and then he can escape to a muslim country and collect his salary for life….holy c**p
St James you need to send this to Trey Gowdy I believe he has the guts to go through with this, but if we wait too long it will be too long. They need to suspend him from everything until they can investigate.g With no salary and no retirement.
he wont show for any thing so forget or arrest him. no guts huh.hes a thug
he is a very evil person with way to much power