Before the national treasures were being protected in the United States, historical markers, homes, buildings, and monuments were being destroyed to make way for progress. With a slight deviation, the same thing today is occurring where CERTAIN historical markers, homes, buildings, and monuments are being destroyed, removed, or placed into storage to make way for Progressives.
I remember first discovering the remains of a whole bunch of stone foundations, garden walls, fountains, pools, columns and stairways along the paths atop the Palisades Cliffs overlooking the majestic Hudson River. At first, as a kid in the ’60s, I imagined they were the remains of a whole bunch of wild folks who lived off in the woods away from society. As it turned out, they were the remains of a whole host of mansions that made up a strip of land that stretched for miles nicknamed “Millionaire’s Row.” Such luminaries as John Ringling of circus fame, Cora Timken, heiress to her father’s ball bearing industrial empire, George Zabriske, the Pillsbury flour mogul, Manuel Rionda, the sugar baron, and many others. Their homes had very impressive and important sounding names like Cliff Dale, Gray Crag, and Rio Vista.
In 1930, John D. Rockefeller bought all of the land that encompassed “Millionaire’s Row” and subsequently sold all the land to the Palisades Interstate Park Commission, jointly run by the States of New York and New Jersey. What transpired then was a true tragedy for part of the agreement of the Rockefeller sale was that the land would be reserved in perpetuity for public use and that meant that every single one of these beautiful estates, built from native stone quarried from the cliffs themselves, would be destroyed, with the single exception of one which would remain as the PIPC headquarters. The only memory of these buildings appears in archived photographs before their demolition.
Today, progress continues to grab hold of history and shakes it in its vicious teeth, threatening to send the shreds of our heritage into the abyss of forgotten lore. But, rest assured, only such history as is morally offensive and reprehensible to Leftists bent on the complete dissolution of such history. After all, we wouldn’t want our children to be forced into hiding in their safe spaces by the mere sight of one of our historical markers, would we?
Follow this link to the next page where one State’s governor has stood up to say, “Hell, no!” to the displacement of our history.
This is a part of our history
Thank god
Thank you
I am so glad that someone is protecting our history. Thank you for standing up mam.
History is history no mater how bad the immoral left want to change history it is history, thousands of people lost the live for this part of our history, the immoral schools want to erase it but it still is our history
Liberalism/communism, a fervent ally of Islam, uses the same ignorant and clueless humans to destroy God’s nation and conquer and convert it into a communist or sharia hell like the rest of Satan’s perverted earthly kingdoms. This is the reason either of these ‘institutions’ will lie, cheat, steal, murder or commit any fraud or atrocity to further their agenda. Only an agenda conceived and directed from hell could create a venue this aberrant and evil to its core.
Demonrats never give up trying to harm people and destroy our nation. Demonic-rats; ignorant, self-loathing, lying, cheating malcontents that want to destroy themselves and take everyone else they can down with them, thus the situation our country is currently in.
Leftards live in a utopian stupor where no vestiges of reality can touch their fantasy world of un-Godly ignorance. There is no end or limit to the delusional stupidity of the left.
The Left gets more deluded, psychotic, irrational and sick by the minute. The only thing Socialism has to offer is violence, perversion, child molestation, genocide, infanticide, murder, horror, corruption, and totalitarian psychosis. Socialism brings nothing constructive and nothing of value to the world. It is the spawn of Satan and Hell as this level of deviancy and perversion could not be conceived from anywhere else. Anyone that is ignorant enough to believe that it is just ‘another political venue’ and that Socialism should be accorded such a benign status is a deluded fool and an imbecile accomplice of this satanic cult of corrupt aberrant perversion.
Liberalism….a sinking ship of parasitic rats infesting our nation’s infrastructure like the virulent disease that it is. A political party for the deeply deranged.
Good! Our children should learn our history, the good, the meh and the not so good!
Thank You Lady,Louisiana an America could sure use more of you
At last common sense