When one calls 911 they have no doubt the police will come, wearing bullet proof vests, ready to take a bullet, or fire a bullet in your defense. There is no anxiety running through your head, “I wonder if the police will come?” If anything, that is the only solace running through your head if its a life and death situation. They have to employ violence to save you. Yet, situations like the following are being praised by those who have their campaign as a “war against the police”.
An Alabama Detective pulled over a black man named Janard Cunningham for driving erratic. What happened next, and its hate filled aftermath, sums up everything Obama put into motion in pitting white vs black, gay vs straight, Christians vs the secular theology of godlessness, Americans Citizens vs Global Citizens. And the “useful idiots” who fall for it.
The USA has neem outsmarted on just about ebery level. The USA can semmingly be taken over without a shot being fired. First they got the men to cry. Then the family unit was shattered. Then they got you feeling guilty over slavery. Now you are guilty over racism. Then they made you feel guilty over white privelage. Then they tell you whites deserve to die. The take-over is imminent. You have been outsmarted by the black population.
Let me see! No it isn’t, for real think about it?
He didn’t want to be called racist? So he got $#%&!@*aulted, so if it were any other race, he would have defended himself.
That is racist so why is that ignorant?
Private citizen gun ownership goes up crime rate goes down it doesn’t have anything to do with cops
Stop strangling the Second Amendment and let people carry guns and see how the crime rate drops because when you legislate the ability to protect oneself the only ones who carry guns are the law breakers anyway it’s a simple equation
Now that I’m onboard with
Haha yea I believe every meme I see
You ever scoop up a dead child from the street with his brains hanging out of his head?
And you speak of the crime rate just because something is illegal does not make it wrong and just because something is legal does not make it right too many times the cops are just doing their job enforcing laws that are unfair and even targeted towards groups of certain people often the poor. They sit behind their radar guns collecting revenue to pay for their new cop cars because the government has wasted the tax money that was supposed to go for that. They bring in non violent and victimless crimes criminals as they call them to do nothing but generate revenue to buy a new courthouse because there are so many more people breaking all the more many laws that they have written they need a bigger building to convince them in. I say if there were any justice that came out of these law and justice centers they wouldn’t need armed guards and metal detectors at the door
Every child should wear a helmet