When one calls 911 they have no doubt the police will come, wearing bullet proof vests, ready to take a bullet, or fire a bullet in your defense. There is no anxiety running through your head, “I wonder if the police will come?” If anything, that is the only solace running through your head if its a life and death situation. They have to employ violence to save you. Yet, situations like the following are being praised by those who have their campaign as a “war against the police”.
An Alabama Detective pulled over a black man named Janard Cunningham for driving erratic. What happened next, and its hate filled aftermath, sums up everything Obama put into motion in pitting white vs black, gay vs straight, Christians vs the secular theology of godlessness, Americans Citizens vs Global Citizens. And the “useful idiots” who fall for it.
Yea so is rape, murder,kidnapping, burglary which the percentages are way higher then police brutality
Yes so is the governments and who do you think is the government’s Bulldog who do you think is their teeth it’s the police they sit there and their fat suits and their stinkin offices and make laws to justify their existence and have the police execute these unneeded an unfair and unjust laws on us yes it’s the government and it starts with the police they’re the ones that are going to be from the government kicking in your door
Yes so is the government and that’s exactly what I’m saying
It’s never gone away. Police brutality has been around since u were born. You forget the 80s in La. Media is just pushing it more to make u sheep feel like it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s always been there and will always be there.
Then why u still live here?
As Ferguson burns and Obama watches eating popcorn.
And how did it feel to be a victim?
Just because you didn’t want to be called racist.
So now your racist, cause you would have defended yourself against a white guy!
But not a black guy!
Now that’s racist.
Did you know that the highest profession for domestic violence is police officer that’s right they go home and take it out on their family especially their wives. Again not all of them I understand that but in Illinois about two decades ago are crooked government signed a law saying if you were arrested not convicted just arrested for domestic violence you could not be a gun owner. They had to rewrite the law to say convicted because they ran out of cops. They then had to repeal the law entirely because they ran out of cops do your homework man look it up research it yourself this country has a severe problem with police brutality and the government using the police to brutalize its citizens
Stay out of places you don’t belong and you will ha
By the way there have been three Illinois governors that have gone to prison the last 3