When one calls 911 they have no doubt the police will come, wearing bullet proof vests, ready to take a bullet, or fire a bullet in your defense. There is no anxiety running through your head, “I wonder if the police will come?” If anything, that is the only solace running through your head if its a life and death situation. They have to employ violence to save you. Yet, situations like the following are being praised by those who have their campaign as a “war against the police”.
An Alabama Detective pulled over a black man named Janard Cunningham for driving erratic. What happened next, and its hate filled aftermath, sums up everything Obama put into motion in pitting white vs black, gay vs straight, Christians vs the secular theology of godlessness, Americans Citizens vs Global Citizens. And the “useful idiots” who fall for it.
What’s the next thing it’s OK to slice out of our cons$#%&!@*ution. How about that pesky freedom of the press thing
I hope they caught the low life I mean black lives matter guy
This happened in the city I used to live in. If it happens in alabama and there is no outrage, then we are all sheepeople now. I have a 4 year old and this scares me that this is happening.
I’m not excusing the black guy if what the cop said was true anyway. The cop had threatened this guy with violence first. So let’s get that truth established. How am I stupid exaxtly? Of the two of us I’m the skeptic and your the sheep believing what was said without questioning.
1 down, just 3 million more to go
I read the article twice and did not see anywhere where it stated the officer threatened this guy with violence first. How and when did he threaten him with violence?? Since this guy pistol whipped the office, I would exactly refer to him as being a non-violent individual.
Kip get off the interwebs and hit the gym
Radical blacks who hate whites ALWAYS attack in packs or shoot people in the back like the cowards they are. So if I am ever attacked those cowards should know this, I will shoot you until you are dead you racist pricks!
His friends around America propogated these actions towards police by the m$#%&!@* amount of killings.
why didn’t he fight back