“Off with your……” says Alabama State Representative Steve Hurst (R, 35th District, Calhoun County) to convicted sex offenders over the age of 20 and who have molested anyone under the age of 12 years of age. His bill would require “surgical castration” and paid for by the offender.
Many on the left will scream that this is cruel and unusual, but Hurst is concerned for the child and has said, “They have marked this child for life and the punishment should fit the crime.”
The bill should act as a deterrent to this type of crime, Hurst believes, and his constituents have asked for such a bill to be passed.
This however is not the first time he has introduced this kind of bill, for this type of atrocious crime. In the past few years, he has introduced this legislation three times. Perhaps this time he can garner enough support to get it passed. Alabama would not be the first state to have a form of castration for sex offenders.
Read what other states have castration on the books, on the next page.
Yay Alabama
Physical and Chemical Castration!
IDK…I have a friend that was falsely accused and now still wears the ‘sex offender’ moniker. He was at a bar at about 1 a.m. The bathrooms were full, so, being in the country, he stepped outside. Less than thirty minutes later, police arrived. Apparently, there were two children outside at a house approx 70 yards away. He was arrested. Pints to consider: It was 1 a.m. and dark outside. It was 1 a.m., why were there children playing outside. Things are not always as they appear.
They are to do that because there’s no way in hell that they will change they have got to be castrated so they don’t do it to another child
They say there’s no cure, but this would work… Seriously, they could be a part of society again without being a danger….
Works with dogs.If showing aggression,castration helps end that.
Chemical castration for uncontrollable offenders has been around for a long time.
Good they won’t do it twice
i like this idea
Do it!