“Off with your……” says Alabama State Representative Steve Hurst (R, 35th District, Calhoun County) to convicted sex offenders over the age of 20 and who have molested anyone under the age of 12 years of age. His bill would require “surgical castration” and paid for by the offender.
Many on the left will scream that this is cruel and unusual, but Hurst is concerned for the child and has said, “They have marked this child for life and the punishment should fit the crime.”
The bill should act as a deterrent to this type of crime, Hurst believes, and his constituents have asked for such a bill to be passed.
This however is not the first time he has introduced this kind of bill, for this type of atrocious crime. In the past few years, he has introduced this legislation three times. Perhaps this time he can garner enough support to get it passed. Alabama would not be the first state to have a form of castration for sex offenders.
Read what other states have castration on the books, on the next page.
rapests need to have the offending member cut off, as for women, it has become a sort of birth control….not only should these abortions stop, but there should be steralization at time of second or third child……some women have a dozen children and we pay for them because their on welfare
Beaver cleaver to them all
Sound like a winner !
oh geeez AS I agree criminals should be punished,.but they can’t do this,
Just hang the low lives! That might work!
Yeah just start
raping and molestations are about power and control not the actuall sex. These sick bastages will still hurt the innocent if given the opportunity because they are immoral. Death is the only answer, but ccastrating first seems like a good idea. What about female sex offenders? Same thing?
Good idea. Especially when the Muslims want to take 8 year Olds as a wife and rape them over and over. That’s sickening. ..And what about them beating their wife’s up . This country has been fighting domestic violence for a long time, are we to say it’s ok for them to come into this country and not live by our laws that we’ve made to stop the violence.
i’m for it..and sterilize women who have 3 children..and are on welfare..and don’t plan to get off