Alabama Considering Castrating Sex Offenders

What is cruel and unusual punishment?  The sexual molestation of a child, resulting in a lifetime of healing, or the castration of the convicted sex offender?

Alabama State Representative Steve Hurst (R, 35th District, Calhoun County) has again introduced a bill that would make the punishment fit the crime.   He “introduced HB 365, which would mandate that as a condition for release from jail, convicted sex offenders who were over 20 years of age during the offense and who molested anyone 12 years or younger would be “surgically castrated” with the cost of the operation to be paid by the offender.”

“I had people call me in the past when I introduced it and said don’t you think this is inhumane? I asked them what’s more inhumane than when you take a little infant child, and you sexually molest that infant child when the child cannot defend themselves or get away, and they have to go through all the things they have to go through. If you want to talk about inhumane–that’s inhumane,” Hurst insisted.

There are states which have paved the way for this type of crime fitting punishment, having chemical castration laws on the books. The list includes: Florida, California, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin.

The Alabama bill would have to pass through the House judiciary committee before being sent onto the House and Senate for a vote.

Source: Breitbart




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