Al Sharpton recently claimed to be receiving threatening and hateful phone calls after the killing of 2 police officers in New York at the hands of a gunman who participated in one of Al’s ‘kill the police’ protests.
Well, Sharpton, being a Reverend and all, you should know that you reap what you sow. Perhaps Al should get some ‘police protection’ so we can find out if he has more to reap.
It is probably the COPS who are calling .
He it the only threat.cop watch your backsAi has declared war on you
Be careful what you pray for Al it could be you that is blessed. You started this and you hot what you asked for. It would be really funny if thus turns out to be part of the black community. Sucks to be you
Too bad ….
Al will you just fade away nobody’s listening to your racist c**p anymore. Getting old buddy
Lets not threaten. Lets make good and take this piece of c**p out.
So??? Who CARES???
you ought to be so scared and keep your racist preaching to your rotten self!! low life peace of c**p!!
You ask for it dummie