Al Sharpton recently claimed to be receiving threatening and hateful phone calls after the killing of 2 police officers in New York at the hands of a gunman who participated in one of Al’s ‘kill the police’ protests.
Well, Sharpton, being a Reverend and all, you should know that you reap what you sow. Perhaps Al should get some ‘police protection’ so we can find out if he has more to reap.
I’m gonna puke if they dont stop posting this idiots picture on facebook
wiil delete all of his pictures so I can enjoy my facebook
Crawl back under your rock, scumbag…..
Let his good friends .the protester.and other radical .progresses liberals .Marxists .s.o.b protect him .but the police will their better people than he is .
If he wants police protection…… he should go to jail
The police doing a job to protect the public. Garner and brown breaking the law. Both got what they deserved. Lying Al doing nothing good but supporting the scum who broke the law. You’re stupid for giving any respect to Lying Al and these scumbags.
Please . I hope he gets more than just threats !!!
Then drop his carcass in a pig pen !
race baiter Al such a disgrace of a person you are and you use Rev shame on you and GOD!!!!!! have mercy