Al Sharpton recently claimed to be receiving threatening and hateful phone calls after the killing of 2 police officers in New York at the hands of a gunman who participated in one of Al’s ‘kill the police’ protests.
Well, Sharpton, being a Reverend and all, you should know that you reap what you sow. Perhaps Al should get some ‘police protection’ so we can find out if he has more to reap.
but while he is constantly defending only black criminals even giving and providing other blacks to lie and under purgery, he is making it hard to have any trust in people.
Al Sharpton Is “NOT” A Real Reverend, And God Will Bring Him Down!!!! He Deserves Any Threats He Gets!!!!!
after the comments he made i would have been suprised if he did not get threats
he derserves a hell of a lot more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe we will get lucky and someone will take him out
He got a million dollars for holding the marches. Blood is already on his hands. So he deserves what ever he gets.
He is a disgrace to society!
I certainly do not want to stand behind him when the GOOD BOOK is opened in Heaven to account for your actions.
gee, i guess he should not have started riots, uprisings, and try to convince people police were evil racist killers. what did he think would happen? people would buy them flowers and bake them pies?