Al Sharpton recently claimed to be receiving threatening and hateful phone calls after the killing of 2 police officers in New York at the hands of a gunman who participated in one of Al’s ‘kill the police’ protests.
Well, Sharpton, being a Reverend and all, you should know that you reap what you sow. Perhaps Al should get some ‘police protection’ so we can find out if he has more to reap.
Whack em
The only thing that he should be fearing is the Good lord sending him to hell.
Your day is coming! Al the APE!
I hope you do reap what you have sowed
Hope you don’t expect police protection because you certainly don’t deserve it.
He has blood on his hands and is a race baiter
He should he is a crook and Tax cheat
Guess he don’t know what an answering machineis for?
Impeach obama NOW!!
We must pray for the Reverend Al Sharpton all your negative comments bring you down his level. Trust in God knowing that He will come to judge the living and the dead