Al-Qaeda has instructed their terrorist cells within the United States to start making wildfires.
Why now and not years ago when we all thought the war on terror had begun?
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Al-Qaeda has instructed their terrorist cells within the United States to start making wildfires.
Why now and not years ago when we all thought the war on terror had begun?
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Leila Milton Cox the message to the president? I watched that one but what was his point? I could hardly understand him. Translate plz!
They can start with.the.white house…..
Hahaha this is so stupid. Wild fires happen every year.
Justin Case Richardson
He was just calling ISIL & Jihad for what they really are
The Japanese tried this too it didnt work. They tried to set the oregon coast range on fire.
according to our fuhrer, Al-Qaeda is on the run,,, ready to run us down is what the idiot left out
Just a little bit of fear turns the citizens into crazed monsters. That’s what I see in this thread. First of all this claim is not only outrageous but completely unlikely. This opinion was formed by right wing extremists like yourselves trying to instill fear in the public to get what they want. How did the Nazis gain large-scale support in Germany? Accusing the Jews for all the problems in Germany at the time and using the Gestapo and the Nazi politicians to instill fear and force their way into the government. Do any of you possibly believe Al-Qaeda has the power, support and means to not only teach Muslim children Spanish, but also get them to Latin America, get them through border patrol, and have them start a wildfire?! A campfire maybe? There are smart Americans out there who won’t sit in their homes with guns waiting and would maybe call the fire department or put out the damn fire. Read some history books people, you might be able to figure out why and how this thread and this article are just right wing propaganda.