After a Turkish fighter shot down a Russian warplane in the skies over Syria, tensions have risen to an all time high between NATO and Russia. And of course President Obama is taking the side of Turkey, who clearly had no reason to shoot down an aircraft that wasn’t threatening them in any way. Not only was Vladimir Putin angry about this fact, but he once again pointed out the very inconvenient truth that the Obama Administration continues to ignore, that truth being that like al Qaeda, ISIS is a product and tool of the United States. They’re well funded, well organized, and possibly being protected. After all, would it be that unheard of for the American government to be funding terrorism to suit their own needs? If you recall, that’s how ISIS was created and that’s how a new group of terrorists is being created as the United States continues to supply weapons to rebel groups in Syria in hopes of overthrowing Assad. That’s right, in President Obama’s blind hatred of Assad, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get his way and see the man taken out of power, even if that means creating a sequel to ISIS. And judging by the fact that these rebels have actually been supplying American weapons to The Al-Nursa Front, they’ve already become a problem.
Read more about these terrorists’ windfall on the next page.
In a shameful display of partisan obstruction, the Mitch McConnell led Senate Republicans a blocked a bill that would have improved veterans benefits.
Senate Republicans blocked the veterans bill by using a procedural maneuver to invoke the 60 vote rule. The final vote to waive the budget point of order failed, 56-41. Only two Republicans (Sen. Dean Heller and Sen. Jerry Moran) joined with Democrats on the vote.
Republicans claimed that they blocked the bill because Majority Leader Harry Reid would not allow an up or down vote on an amendment that would have attached sanctions on Iran to the bill.
Sen. Reid said, “I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill. Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”
The chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Sen. Bernie Sanders, said,
The only message that can be taken away from today’s vote is that Senate Republicans think it is more important to deny President Obama a “win” than it is to help our nation’s veterans. The bill contained provisions that would restore the COLA for vets, and protect them from losing their benefits in the event of another government shutdown. It also would have authorized the construction of 27 new clinics and medical facilities, and it would have provided tuition assistance to post-9/11 vets.
It is the kind of legislation that used to be a no brainer, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the same group of Republicans who think that they shouldn’t have to pay the nation’s bills also want to renege on their obligations to our veterans.
Senate Republicans committed a disgraceful betrayal of the promise that has been made to those who put their lives on the line for this country. I hope this is a wake up call for vets who think that the Republican Party has their interests at heart.
The Republican Party doesn’t care about veterans. This vote stabbed veterans in the back, and should make every vet question why they would ever vote Republican.
I agree ! Obama wants the muslims to over run the world !God be with us!!
Media and political yammering excuse Obams saying, he doesn’t know what he is doing, he is confused, he does not understand ,,,he knows what he is doing after all HE IS DOING IT.
You go Obama
good going Ovomit
Why he hasn’t been arrested and charged with treason is beyond me!!
Hey where was the outrage,when St Ronny armed them in the first place.Ever watch Charley Wilsons war?
The Bible says that they will cover the earth like sands in a sea but they will be obliterated by fire Christians will begone and the ones here on earth will inherit it so Muslims will continue to fight for eternity 1400 years they have been warmongers no one is ever at peace with them they fight and kill each other and have for all time
repent, be baptized, turn to God for forgiveness, gear up and get ready to make a stand. sometimes you have to fight for your peace and these a-holes are all about war so we’re gonna have to fight for peace. I’ve got plenty of hogshit readily available and I’m gonna bury every one of these SOBs I can kill in it.