After a Turkish fighter shot down a Russian warplane in the skies over Syria, tensions have risen to an all time high between NATO and Russia. And of course President Obama is taking the side of Turkey, who clearly had no reason to shoot down an aircraft that wasn’t threatening them in any way. Not only was Vladimir Putin angry about this fact, but he once again pointed out the very inconvenient truth that the Obama Administration continues to ignore, that truth being that like al Qaeda, ISIS is a product and tool of the United States. They’re well funded, well organized, and possibly being protected. After all, would it be that unheard of for the American government to be funding terrorism to suit their own needs? If you recall, that’s how ISIS was created and that’s how a new group of terrorists is being created as the United States continues to supply weapons to rebel groups in Syria in hopes of overthrowing Assad. That’s right, in President Obama’s blind hatred of Assad, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get his way and see the man taken out of power, even if that means creating a sequel to ISIS. And judging by the fact that these rebels have actually been supplying American weapons to The Al-Nursa Front, they’ve already become a problem.
Read more about these terrorists’ windfall on the next page.
I am sure we the people don’t want to arm these people
the antithesis of a “religion of peace.”
… which is TREASON … which makes OBAMA A TRAITOR
… eligible for the most appropriate punishment.
Those weapons are from Hillary when she was trading weapons out of Libya, with the CIA!!!
if only there was truth … but alas you folks have no clue! guess you don’t read either. But I still give you credit if you have heard of Shakespeare.
obummer will not say nothing, he would get his can kicked by Putin and he knows it.
Obama Hates Putin so he’ll sacrifice our country to get back at him!!!
And ppl starving and homeless here…..very sad Obama !!!!!
And whoever we don’t arm Russia Iran or North Korea will.Selling and giving weapons out for others to use against your foes has always been done by all sides there is no good side or bad side everyone is corrupt in order to make a buck or overthrow countries with out actually putting your own boots on the ground there.
I see you don’t know how to read either Well hope you can cook id not you have nothing to live for.