After a Turkish fighter shot down a Russian warplane in the skies over Syria, tensions have risen to an all time high between NATO and Russia. And of course President Obama is taking the side of Turkey, who clearly had no reason to shoot down an aircraft that wasn’t threatening them in any way. Not only was Vladimir Putin angry about this fact, but he once again pointed out the very inconvenient truth that the Obama Administration continues to ignore, that truth being that like al Qaeda, ISIS is a product and tool of the United States. They’re well funded, well organized, and possibly being protected. After all, would it be that unheard of for the American government to be funding terrorism to suit their own needs? If you recall, that’s how ISIS was created and that’s how a new group of terrorists is being created as the United States continues to supply weapons to rebel groups in Syria in hopes of overthrowing Assad. That’s right, in President Obama’s blind hatred of Assad, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get his way and see the man taken out of power, even if that means creating a sequel to ISIS. And judging by the fact that these rebels have actually been supplying American weapons to The Al-Nursa Front, they’ve already become a problem.
Read more about these terrorists’ windfall on the next page.
Pray for Obama that The Holy Spirit touches his hear and he Accepts JESUS as His LOrd and Saior. That will change things
Be aware
lol ill bet that missle is gona leave a mark!!!!
Yeah…this is stupid odummy voters fault
Wonder how they are getting them ? Obama
Putin, don’t blame AMERICANS fo what the fraud unAmerican traitor does, he is supporting isis, we know but being the traitor he is an his muslim followers there is nothing AMERICANS can do until he is arrested or leaves office. Blow the scum of the map please.
Hell no Obama dont believe in God. He hates god and the good Christians in America. Better wish that Obama drops dead. And send his soul to hell.
Obama has been giving Al Qaeda weapons since day one of gaining the presidential office in 2008. He is the most dangerous Islamic Terrorist in the World!
Betty Hughes, I think it is too late to pray for obozo, we need to pray he doesn’t destroy our Country, he is evil devil possessed he will not change.