The inconvenient truth is that polar bears are okay.
Time and again the fire breathing specter of Al Gore bloviating about climate change has uttered the sad tale of polar bears drowning becasue there are no icy lily pads to accommodate them.
His movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”, is a hodge-podge of barely legitimate and sometimes outright fictional clips and snippets of global warming alarmism. It would be a YouTube video today but back then he was able to trick people into thinking this was an educational film.
Al Gore’s movie made him very wealthy because climate change fear mongering is an industry.
The Climate Change Industry has seen scandal after scandal where the “scientists” are withholding or manipulating information such as University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. The public has a right to know what is happening and keeping them in the dark about specifics casts a shadow over the issue itself.
Polar Bears are a target because of their cuddly pop culture persona. Nobody wants harm to come to the Coke bears.
The tip of the climate change spear is polar bear agitprop to tear at the hearts of children attending public schools.
Now, after years of recording their status, we still see global warming zealots pushing the “polar bears are drowning” narrative.
See the next page for the truth behind the polar bears’ conditions
Don’t forget how rich Gore became with the Global warming hoax.
Just and old man make a noise!!
man bear pig
Another one bought and paid for by globalist. Big al has been under the radar and hope he stays there.
gore has always been a dumbass
In 1970 these same theorists said we would not be alive in the year 2000. that is just what they all are theorists and their wrong everyday and Mr Gore has always been in it for the money because he went from being worth just over a million when leaving the white house and now he is worth over $125 million. Why has his EX wife never said a peep ?
Ask the people in Alaska who say the polar bear population has grown by leaps and bounds
He looked it up on one of his inventions, “The Internet”, LOL!
Oh no the sky is falling. Old AL was there when the u.n had all the elites there and they signed that b.s and it states it will be oil until 2050 that is another 35 year of the status quo. What a victory for AL and all those climate control idiots. All the ship these people talk and they voted for oil for 35 more years and shook hands and acted like they did something. What a joke all those there will be dead by then the whole thing will be forgotten and big oil will still be big oil. Thanks AL your the man got a noble prize too. Hey everybody I got a story to tell you this single bullet can turn directions in mid air I can prove it I swear. Humans completely make me sick just hope I live long enough to see your demise
His chickens are all coming home to roost. Unfortunatley hes made his pile of money from his lies and we cannot get refunds. What an asshole