Poor Al Gore is something of a sad case. After his devastating and contested loss to George Bush in 2000, he retreated to one of his favorite and signature causes, global warming. In fact, when it comes to Gore, he’s probably at least as well known for his environmental positions as he is as a former vice-president.
But perhaps he’s been at this far too long. His claims and demands are getting more bizarre as time passes. We recall his claim that, “I am Correct on Climate Change, You Just Can’t See It.” That’s not the most convincing argument that’s ever been made. Actually, it sounds more like a statement of desperation.
Now he wants to ramp up spending to forestall the devastation he predicts will befall the planet. It’s not clear where he plans to get such sums, but we are to believe that if Al says it must be spent — well, who are we to argue? After all, it’s only $15 trillion.
He needs to find a real job.
When do the thieves make restitution?
Get it from euro nation
nothing but a scamming & mooching traitor
Try standing on a busy street corner
How can this fool still show his face.
Give it to him in pennies
So money will cure it?? Really????
This decisions to demand anything is evil propaganda from none other than the worst and corrupt politician that with the clintons hands out for thier cut. Al GORE you need to shut your mouth you have billions of stolen tax dollars in bank accounts so you demand is saying no amount of money is enough. Your ignorance and arrogance are now bothering us. Your climate stupidity now has no part in your political history of total failures. Shut up unless you want to go in the streets by foot and open your fucking eyes to see how you people have comprimised our infistructure by corruption and the tyranny that all of your COLLEAGES has caused over the last 40 years. Demand we the people demand that you return the stolen money to america then it will be alright to tax payers rent planes and demand your buddies and you be placed on the ice cap and we will check on the exact time you all get stiff and we have solved that problem. Now to sweep out all the vile diseases left from politicians in Washington, D.C.. And rebuild our country with no regrets. You sir are evil. But our obligation is to demand that we will rid our nation from our enemys with in and abroad.be sure clintons, obamas, and all the family’s that have ran this nation in the ground be on that special flight to the ice cap.