Poor Al Gore is something of a sad case. After his devastating and contested loss to George Bush in 2000, he retreated to one of his favorite and signature causes, global warming. In fact, when it comes to Gore, he’s probably at least as well known for his environmental positions as he is as a former vice-president.
But perhaps he’s been at this far too long. His claims and demands are getting more bizarre as time passes. We recall his claim that, “I am Correct on Climate Change, You Just Can’t See It.” That’s not the most convincing argument that’s ever been made. Actually, it sounds more like a statement of desperation.
Now he wants to ramp up spending to forestall the devastation he predicts will befall the planet. It’s not clear where he plans to get such sums, but we are to believe that if Al says it must be spent — well, who are we to argue? After all, it’s only $15 trillion.
use your own money for your f**e c**p
FOLLOW THE MONEY……..I am surprised at the people that do not realize the other countries and the top supporters for Climate Change/Global Warming are GLOBALIST’s. It is ALL about POWER and MONEY! The little guy who really does care about our water, air and thinks these leaders are for THEM are so wrong. Everything they have predicted to happen due to Climate Change/Global Warming has not happened, it is a business. George Soros paid MILLIONS for Al Gore to keep the Climate Change/Global Warming hoax alive. The United States has make great strides to make our country better but other countries have not and the Paris Agreement did not change that fact. Remember Obama went around Congress for the Paris Agreement, so Trump did NOT break a treaty. Obama is one of the Globalists I am referring to, they are losing their financial Climate Change/Global Warming gravy train. If the Celebs really believed in climate change WHY do they fly to all their events? Democrats in power only know how to lie, cheat and steal their way to what they want and do their best to push their agenda down our throats in the name of progress. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity!
Yes his predictions were so correct. HAHAHA
Suck it up cupcake – you ain’t gonna get it
That sound you hear Gore is the gravy train pulling out.
Shut down your estate and help with your own claims.
Hahahaha what a fool and he deserves it to end
He can go to California and get that money from Governor Brown and his band of merry communist. They fight the earths climate change but won’t do anything to prevent the yearly fires that destroy people and their property.
You pay for it…Al