Since before the advent of Al Gore, speculation on what, if any, impact humans have on their environment has been a contentious issue. Specifically, the concern has been over whether the actions of humans impact the climate. As soon as politicians figured out that there might be a way to harness this debate to increase their power, political agendas came to impact the reporting and interpretation of alleged climate change science.
If it can be proven that human activities are systematically impacting the climate with potentially catastrophic results, you have a very powerful tool for taking control. After all, the survival of life then depends on placing the proper controls on people and businesses. If there is no credible evidence of man-induced climate change, then everyone can be left to go about their lives and business, free of government coercion. More on page two.
That’s the whole point….Climate change taxation is something nobody can see…’s a taxation based solely on paper to fuel and fund the elitist corporation household when they go underground.
I’m Mr. Universe you just can’t see it.
They cant even accurately predict the weather for a week.
University of Anglia…who the hell is that? They are your authority….did you just make that up? The kindergarten class at my local grade school is probably smarter than anyone who went to the University of Anglia
Certainly not totally free from government coercion. We are still having our money stolen at the point of a gun in the form of taxes.
Al Gore remains a huge joke!!
Gore been pocketing off the American people for to long.
Al Bore Lie’n Again , And Raking In The Doe As It Lies , His Buddy Slick Willie On The Air Plane With Loretta Lynch After Bengazi, When Ambassador Stevens Was Murdered , And Killary Leaving A Long List Of Dead Witness’s , And BORE , Taking In The Rake On Climate Change,
Yeah yeah yeah…Your bread basket makes you millions of dollars spreading this trash! Get a job!