Hillary Clinton may have you believe that the Benghazi attacks could not have prevented but, like everything else she’s said, evidence has emerged that proves that this is just another piece of Clinton’s web of lies.
Of course, we already knew that her State Department refused pleas for heightened security at the embassy, and that Hillary had a general lack of interest in the situation until it threatened her political fortunes, but now even more witnesses are coming forward to suggest that the victims themselves could have been saved after the attack began.
These claims come from a Air Force whistleblower, who claims his branch of the military could have had an impact on the outcome of the attack. Instead, they were ignored completely.
See the latest damning evidence against crooked Hillary — and how the Air ForceĀ could have prevented it — on the next page:
I’m pointing out that you, and many like you are disingenuous hypocrites. You are not only full of$#%&!@* you are also wrong. Republicans don’t love our country. That is a stupid claim. If Republicans loved our country they wouldn’t kill so many Americans, remove rights, bankrupt us, or constantly be sending our children to die in stupid wars. You mistake your own ignorance for patriotism without a single shred of evidence.
Really John Laird. How about you go back and tally up American deaths by administration. Guess who is responsible for the most? I’ll wait……
The notion that we finally found 4 Americans that you people give a$#%&!@*about is absurd. Nice try though…
Lets hire 20 good reporters to dig up c**p on Bengazi and get it in print.
The only way a response force could not have sent in time, is king o or close to him ordered a stand down. Another disgrace to America
And the one responsible for this is adored by the dumbacrats and running for president .
Of course they could have been saved & should have been. Our government at its worse.
Steve Greenwood
Of course they could have with additional support which was denied as the attack began.