After the group American Humanist Association threatened to sue the Air Force on behalf of an atheist Airman, the Air Force immediately removed the requirement to say ‘So Help Me God’ from their enlistment oath.
The Airman was denied re-enlistment after crossing the phrase off the oath on Aug. 25th, prompting the suit.
“We take any instance in which Airmen report concerns regarding religious freedom seriously,” said Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, Air Force Times reported Wednesday. The change in policy goes into effect immediately.
“We are pleased that the U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed our client has a First Amendment right to omit the reference to a supreme being in his reenlistment oath,” Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center, said in a statement Wednesday, Air Force Times reported. “We hope the Air Force will respect the constitutional rights of Atheists in the future.”
The Army, Navy and Marine Corps all give enlistees the option to say “so help me God.”
I did not know how stupid you guys were , you should have told that atheistitic$#%&!@*, you see he don’t believe in a God ,so he dose not excistat all air forceare this dumb ????????
wow what a bunch of cowards
That is ridiculous. Loose one atheist airman, no big deal. keep our oath intact. a big deal!
How sad is this,we do not need athirst any where near us fire him with no benefits god is all mighty.but he will get his day.
Air Force joined the $#%&!@* crew
What ever happen to the Majority rules ?? This is just to please a few AND IT IS WRONG !!!
we need some one to stand up to these p***k now our Armed Forces have no backbone this country wash found on in God we Trust
Walter E Stone Sr, this country has NEVER been majority rule! Learn the basics of the country you live in, at least. Start with the difference between democracy (mob rule) vs. republic (people rule, through representatives). Any idea what type of government this country has?
James Kendrick, that phrase has nothing to do with the foundation of this nation. It was simply added to the unconstitutional form of (privately owned) representational currency that we now use. That’s it. Want to know what this country was founded on? Go read the constitution for a change, particularly the first amendment.
when joining the military of your own accord you agree to do as you are directed by individuals in charge of the group as a “whole” you do as your are told for the good of the group. everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect. people in the military or any other group in life that requires “team” effort that doesn’t want to preform as “team” usually don’t do well, for themselves of the team. IF YOU CANT SAY THE OATH DONT JOIN THE TEAM. YOU KNEW WHAT WAS REQUIRED BEFORE YOU JOIN.