After the group American Humanist Association threatened to sue the Air Force on behalf of an atheist Airman, the Air Force immediately removed the requirement to say ‘So Help Me God’ from their enlistment oath.
The Airman was denied re-enlistment after crossing the phrase off the oath on Aug. 25th, prompting the suit.
“We take any instance in which Airmen report concerns regarding religious freedom seriously,” said Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, Air Force Times reported Wednesday. The change in policy goes into effect immediately.
“We are pleased that the U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed our client has a First Amendment right to omit the reference to a supreme being in his reenlistment oath,” Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center, said in a statement Wednesday, Air Force Times reported. “We hope the Air Force will respect the constitutional rights of Atheists in the future.”
The Army, Navy and Marine Corps all give enlistees the option to say “so help me God.”
AIR force, not balls.
the whole US Air Force bowed down to one Atheist ? Weak wimpy Commanders
How Hitler-esque.. Soon Obama will have our US Military troops swearing allegiance to Obama personally, not to defend the US Constitution / the Unites States of America.
I disagree, Air Force kick him in ass.
Sickening !
This government sucks!!
with out god we will fall as America sinks deeper into the cesspools of our government and the revelation of john,…
This is another step towards removing all tolerance and reference to the God from our military. If this continues, there will come a time when Christians and Jews will no longer be allowed to serve. This would be a great tragedy. Somehow, in some way we must find the means of rebuilding the tolerance and inclusiveness that we have lost.
Hey we gave the Atheist April Fools Day What more do they want. Even the Devil believes in God. Now your letting the air force slither with the atheists?????