The Air Force is looking to fill quotas in order to appease any social justice warriors that might be offended that our military leaders are too white or too straight.
The Air Force announced a new set of 13 inclusion initiatives Friday with the goal of ensuring the force isn’t as white, male and heterosexual as it is now.
Air Force officials are intent on building upon a foundation of nine initiatives from 2015, in order to boost diversity.
Those nine initiatives weren’t enough to make the Air Force as diverse as desired, which is why it is taking more intensive steps in 2016.
The first new initiative mandates that at least one diverse candidate will have to be in the running for important developmental positions like aide-de camp, senior enlisted advisor and executive officer, among other roles.
“This initiative will require that the pool of Airmen considered for key military developmental positions… include at least one qualified, diverse candidate,” the Air Force’s new fact sheet reads, before going on to say that mandating diverse candidates in the selection pool does not mandate actually hiring that diverse candidate for the position.
You can thank Obama for this change. He’s already gone on record claiming that lesbians and Muslim military leaders make our armed forces stronger, not qualifications.
Source: Daily Caller
SJW’s are nasty people
Soooo wrong!
it is a sick disease that is destroying the fabric of this Nation.. Worst of all,,, We the people, are allowing it because we are trying to be tolerant…
They will regret it!
Cowards stand up Military wussy’s
PC simply sucks!
I am an Air Force veteran. I’m also Middle eastern and from a Muslim culture (I’m not religious). I have seen MANY woman MORE qualified than men get treated terribly in my time in the Air Force. The biggest one I was a witness to was the 174th FW scandal with Major Jackie Parker (Google it yourself) I can conclude my observation with this one incident. In the mid 80’s I arrived at my new base, Comiso AS Sicily. I met my new boss, and was told that I am the supervisor for a female. I knew that they finally allowed women in my career field, but I had never met one before. I was told it would be a couple of weeks before I meet her because she is on leave. I asked what was she like, and the reply was she had big breasts! (the whole shop cracked up laughing) I was wanting to know if she was a good AMMO troop, not the size of her breasts. You all state ” He’s already gone on record claiming that lesbians and Muslim military leaders make our armed forces stronger, not qualifications.” So your definition of freedom does not include Muslims or lesbians? May I suggest that you read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Lastly it is MEN who make life difficult for woman in the military. I have met plenty of outstanding women in the Air Force. How sad that you want to continue the process of degrading people based on their religion, gender, sexual orientation etc. Get a life people!
This is false. I work in Air Force accessions and this is a click bait lie. We accept and commission cadets on their qualifications, not because of their race or gender.