President Donald Trump has been asking some very pointed questions in the last few days regarding why his own attorney general is not pursuing the Uranium One investigation into Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration for its blatant mishandling of America’s reserve of nuclear materials when it agreed to the sale of 20% of the nation’s uranium to a Russian company, Rosatom, despite its foreknowledge that there was massive corruption and criminal activity inside the corporation.
Additionally, he’s been wondering about the silence on the part of AG Jeff Sessions as it regards the piece of fiction, commonly referred to by the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) as the “Trump Dossier,” a folder of falsified documents put together by both the Clinton campaign operatives and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) (and for which they paid $9M…but don’t remember doing so).
That said, the question on many peoples’ minds is, “Where is Jeff Sessions and why are we not seeing any action on these fronts?
The answer will quite frankly shock and anger you! Turn to the following page to read more about why an embattled Sessions has seemingly decided that he has absolutely no power under the Constitution, nor under the umbrella of the Justice Department, to investigate anything and is merely collecting a paycheck as the country’s highest authority on illegal detainment and deportation!
We need a different head of justice. Now!
He must be in it up to his neck and can’t expose them without incriminating himself. Or they have kidnapped his children and are promising to sell them to pedophile Satanists who will sacrafice them to some pagan gods.
Out with all of you .
Then remove him for not doing his job, period!
If he can’t do the job justice then get him out of the way and give it to someone who doesn’t give in to corruption..
I have to ask. WHY???
He should be fired.
Time to change sessions if he won’t prosecute her for lying to cores and the FBI and cia
showing his true colors i guess he knew this would come .
What a complete useless assole. Just Saying