After Trump Takes Over, White House Immediately Replaces Obama Climate Change Webpage

After Trump Takes Over, White House Immediately Replaces Obama Climate Change Webpage

Donald Trump may have invited Al Gore to Trump Tower several weeks, ago, but it doesn’t appear the former vice president had much effect on the new commander-in-chief in the way he obviously would have liked.

Trump has often been critical of the climate change movement, at one point joking that “global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” On the campaign trail, he echoed the sentiments that fighting global warming was doing more harm than good to the American economy.

Now that he’s taken office, Trump seems ready to do something about it.

On day one, he appears to have sided with the 30,000 scientists who agree that climate change is a hoax. Before he even made it back from his inauguration address, his White House erased Obama’s legacy of climate change policy from the White House website.

See what Trump’s team put there instead on the next page:

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After Trump Takes Over, White House Immediately Replaces Obama Climate Change Webpage