While many Americans believe slavery ended at conclusion of the Civil War, in fact, a robust slave trade exits throughout many parts of the world, with a particularly cruel market underway in Libya.
As migrants from various countries in sub-Saharan Africa come to Libya in order to emigrate to Europe, they can be caught up in a vicious, lawless society in which would-be smugglers take advantage of their vulnerability and lack of travel documentation to take them prisoner and sell them into slavery.
Learn about an international organization that’s trying to help the migrants and rescue them from being brutalized and sold in the slave markets. The shocking details can be found on the next page.
Trumps fault, or Bush’s
History repeating itself. No surprise. Barbary coast strikes again. Follow the money and the history
We don’t want no mo
Islam is the largest slave market in the world !
Does it counteract the white genocide going on in africa
We couldnt catch them noway. The north bought them and sold them to south. Civil war wasnt about slavery no way it was about money. We started sell cotton to France and it hurt the econmy it the slavery was the excuse. We didnt lose anyway when we thought they were after our women and land when we realized they were here for the slaves we laid our guns down
First slave owner was black and he had a white & black slave. It has nothing to do with race but who is vulnerable. Yes even today Muslims still have slave. But don’t forget the European slave and that about every culture has some sort of slavory in its existence. Sad but today it’s at around 173 million in today’s slavery- sex trafficking. Also, many of the elites and those in DCare involved in this.
How much do they cost ??
Dan Wille