While many Americans believe slavery ended at conclusion of the Civil War, in fact, a robust slave trade exits throughout many parts of the world, with a particularly cruel market underway in Libya.
As migrants from various countries in sub-Saharan Africa come to Libya in order to emigrate to Europe, they can be caught up in a vicious, lawless society in which would-be smugglers take advantage of their vulnerability and lack of travel documentation to take them prisoner and sell them into slavery.
Learn about an international organization that’s trying to help the migrants and rescue them from being brutalized and sold in the slave markets. The shocking details can be found on the next page.
Slavery and abusing others must end,
Shameful, shameful, shameful.
However slavery in the USA ended with the Emancipation proclamation!
Clear as mud!
Why aren’t the Dems., libs. And blacks
Screaming about this??
If your righteous enough to fight oppression and slavery . This is where you need to be . You don’t need to be here blocking highways
Wheres the outrage to this.
SCREW that just sink the boat.
Good reason to not come.
Uh oh,more reparations?