A story has been circulating the news over a judge only giving a maximum sentence of 3 years to two African migrants who violently raped a Swedish woman after attempting to sadistically murder her fellow Swedish male friend.
This case in Sweden illustrates exactly why being proactive in the defense of protecting our borders is not just an international crisis, but also one unfolding right here in American homes and neighborhoods.
The chilling details on the next page paint a clear picture of what will soon be coming to the U.S. if the left is successful in petitioning to increase the number of migrants legally allowed to enter the country.
Continue reading on the next page to learn more about the migrant rape epidemic and terror sweeping across Europe and the dangerous Democratic plan to help Europe by instead bringing them to the U.S.
Its time to bring hanging back ..its cheaper than any form of execution used today and a hell of a lot more of a deturent ..hang a few of these sin of a bitches and$#%&!@*will stop in a hurry
And we would have saved a lot of waisted tax dollors …
Look, bottom line folks, they do this in Europa & get light sentences! Let them try it here & they won’t ever see the inside of a court room! Americans carry! That’s the bottom line! Nuff said!
Beat him to death with a claw hammer.
If you live like a rabid animal, you should be treated like a rabid animal and be put down!
Get the rope
I just can’t fathom how men are letting this kind of scum,get away with the atrocities’,knowing they will practically be excused with a couple of years in jail ,and get out and do it again .
Hang them
And the stupid Swedish and german E.U morons keep letting more and more in.
Shoot them.